This is a list of people and institutions we work with closely on the Thorium Clock project
Prof. Eric Hudson and Dr. Christian Schneider,Univ. of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)
>> preparing for joint laser experiment on thorium isomer excitation
Dr. Lars von der Wense,Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
>> collaboration on laser excitation of thorium isomer
Prof. Christoph E. DüllmannJGU Mainz, Helmholtz-Institut Mainz and GSI Helmholtzzentrum fürSchwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt
>> collaboration on radioactive alpha sources, laser targets
Prof. David LeibrandtUniversity of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Professor Dr. Thomas Udem
José Crespo Lopez-Urrutia
Dr. Akira Ozawa