New publication by the TU Wien Team
Our team in Vienna has published a new paper on High harmonic generation in AlN due to out-of-surface electron orbitals High harmonic generation in solids
Our team in Vienna has published a new paper on High harmonic generation in AlN due to out-of-surface electron orbitals High harmonic generation in solids
Welcome to 2021 and another year of exciting research towards a Thorium Nuclear Clock! We kick off this new Year with a publication in the
The first year of the the Thorium Nuclear Clock project has passed. And what a year it was. With the Corona pandemic keeping the world
Veronika Rosecker from our Team in Vienna has successfully finished her dissertation yesterday. While her dissertation was about “Development of bioorthogonal tools for application in
In the last months Fabian Schaden, a new PhD student, has joined the team at the TU Wien. Here are a few words from Fabian:
We’re ever growing…. Our Team at PTB in Braunschweig has been joined by a new postdoc Jascha Zander. Here are a few words from Jascha:
We’re very happy to announce that one of our Team members of the LMU in Munich has been awarded the Gustav-Hertz Preis of the German
Our Team at the LMU in Munich has welcomed a new postdoc to work on this project. “Hi there, my name is Daniel Moritz and
Our team in Munich is currently offering a postdoctoral position. They seek an experienced laser physicist with a background in the following fields: Frequency combs
Marianna Safronova and colleagues from the University of Delaware have published new findings on the relaxation at the luminosity and precision frontiers: Cosmological relaxation of